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Our History: Celebrating Past, Present, and God's Dream for Us

For over 160 years, our church has been dedicated to serving God and caring for the greater Rutherford community. With the establishment of the church in 1863, our first 15 members began the work of First Presbyterian Church.

Soon after, in 1868, the church incorporated and our own church school was organized. The first manse was acquired on Church Street and just one year later, the first church building was dedicated on the site of the now Rutherford Public Library. In 1888, the Park Ave & Ridge Rd building began construction with a groundbreaking ceremony where the church still stands today.


In 1951, our Karen Kaiser Parish House (32 Ridge Rd) was dedicated and just five years later the restoration and dedication of the chapel would occur. In 1963 the church celebrated our one-hundredth anniversary.


FPC Rutherford Organ.png

The Moller organ installation occurred in 1967 and is still in use today. In 1976 the chapel was dedicated as the Holloway Memorial Chapel, on Dr Holloway's fortieth anniversary as Pastor. The ringing bells in the steeple were installed in 1987 (Maas-Rowe Carillon Bell system). In 2002, the congregation embarked on a stained glass window rededication after a six-year repair and refurbishment program. 2013 brought about a pipe-organ restoration program. 

We are excited for the future of FPC Rutherford and look forward to investing in our ministry and education opportunities.

Our FPC Rutherford Timeline


Groundbreaking ceremony for our church building at Park Ave. & Ridge Rd.


Dedication of our present church building.


Manse built at 80 Ridge Rd., our minister's home ever since.


Ground broken for the present Parish House at 32 Ridge Rd.


Restoration and dedication of the Chapel.


Celebration of our Hundredth Anniversary.


Installation of the Moller organ in the Sanctuary.


Dedication of the Chapel as Holloway Memorial Chapel, on Dr. Holloway's fortieth anniversary as Pastor.


Maas-Rowe Carillon Bell System installed for ringing bells in the steeple.


Celebration of our 125th anniversary.


Two church members sent on a mission to Honduras.


Stained glass windows rededicated after 6-year repair and refurbishment program.


Adopted a Presbyterian Church in New Orleans to aid in rebuilding and recovery after devastating Hurricane Katrina.


Christian Education program reorganized. Long-range plan for congregation developed.


Celebration of 150th anniversary. Moller Pipe Organ renovated.


Petition presented to the Presbytery of Passaic for the organization of a Presbyterian Church in Boiling Springs. Petition granted. Church established with a membership of 15.


First regular minister installed, the Rev. George Smith.


Church incorporated as the First Presbyterian Church of Rutherford Park. Our own Church School organized. First manse acquired on Chestnut Street.


First church building dedicated on the site of the Rutherford Public Library.

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